This article highlights some of the most fascinating facts about Malta, which is sometimes referred to as the Mediterranean’s best kept secret.

If you’re familiar with Malta, it wouldn’t take you long to figure out why thousands of visitors each year fall in love with the island. Because where else can you find over 7000 years of history, breathtaking beaches, friendly locals and the oldest free standing structures in the world?

But for those who know very little about the Maltese islands, things may be different.

First things first, where is Malta located?

Malta is a tiny island right in the heart of the Mediterranean. Sicily is just 30 minutes away by plane. Over the years, the Maltese islands were invaded and occupied by many nations. Ranging from ancient Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, French to name a few and in fairly «recent» history the British, the Maltese islands today enjoy independence and in 2004, Malta became a member of the European Union.

How big is Malta?

Just 316 sq km. But in those 316 sq km, visitors often discover what is perhaps one of the most welcoming and relaxed lifestyle in the Mediterranean.

Due to its abundance of historical sites and monuments, Malta has been dubbed an open-air museum! The sheer smallness of the place (you can cross the island from one side to the other in about 1 hour by car) makes it even more evocative and captivating to visitors.

Valletta – A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Valletta, the capital of Malta, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Valletta earned this well-deserved place on this prestigious list for its outstanding role in history, as well as for its grand fortifications, palaces, museums and its many other monuments and historical sites.

Interested to discover more facts about Malta? Then read on.

New Stone Age Temples

Malta is also home to the oldest free standing structures in the world. Yes, you read that right – the oldest. Older than the pyramids of Egypt. The Neolithic temples found on the Maltese islands, continue to baffle archaeologists and researchers to this day. Perhaps the most impressive of all are Ggantija temples, found in Gozo (Malta’s sister island). Legend has it that these New Stone Age temples were built by giants!

Beaches, beaches and more beaches!

Malta beaches are renowned for their crystal clear blue waters. Worthy of note here are the magnificent Blue Lagoon in Comino, Ramla Bay on Gozo island and Mellieha Bay in Malta. The fact that the Malta weather is warm and welcoming almost all year round (except for some cold spells usually in January and February), make Malta the ideal destination for beach lovers as well as diving enthusiasts.

Of course, these are just a few facts about Malta that visitors find fascinating. Malta is all yours to discover.

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